Search results: "soil type" (page 2 of 5)


Sprinkler watering plants Anne of Green Gardens

Deep watering is the best way to water plants and is the practice of watering deeply and infrequently. Deep watering improves plant health and saves water by using it efficiently. Why do Gardeners Tend to Overwater? Gardeners may overwater their plants because they are afraid of under-watering them. And since many plants tolerate overwatering, this […]

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Gardening 101A Beginners Guide to Gardening

Anyone Can Grow a Green Thumb with Gardening 101 Gardening 101 guides teach the basics of soil prep, planting and watering. Here you will find the answers to questions like “Why didn’t my seeds sprout?” and “How often should I water?” Soil Preparation Soil is the foundation of your garden. Correctly preparing soil before you […]

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Persimmon Trees

Persimmon (Diospyros kaki Linn) Persimmon means “fruit of the gods,” and fans of persimmons understand why! If you dislike persimmons, maybe you took a bite of the astringent type when it wasn’t ripe? I’ve done it with a ‘Hachiya.’. My mouth went completely dry and my tongue felt like sandpaper. The flavor and sensation lasted for hours. […]

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Plant Profile: Daphne odora

Daphne odora 'Alba'

Daphne is an evergreen shrub with deliciously scented flowers. The fragrance lingers in the air in the garden, inviting you to get closer. The fragrant flowers may be light pink or white. Flowers bloom in late winter to early spring, depending upon your region. Plant leaves are either leathery, dark green and shiny, and one […]

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Anne’s Top 7 Gardening Tips

Annes 7 Tips-Anne-of-Green-Gardens

These 7 tips are helpful ideas I’ve learned during my lifetime of gardening.  There are many more I could have written but 7 is such a good number I decided to stick with it. Feel free to post your tips below! Tip #1 Everybody makes mistakes! All of the gardeners you know and admire (even […]

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Summer Fall Color: Drought StressFall Color Trees


The drought in California is well into its 3rd year. Many people have cut back on watering their landscapes and let their lawns die. Lawns are easy to replace, but landscape trees are not. Sprinkler water may be the only water landscape trees receive during summer. One of the symptoms of drought stress in trees […]

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Redhumped Caterpillar PestBugs in Your Garden


Redhumped caterpillars often appear in large numbers after a year with a mild winter. If you notice a tree with chewed or “skeletonized” leaves in late summer or fall, you might have this pest. Redhumped Caterpillar Identification Caterpillars are 1 1/2 inches long with a red hump behind the head. The body is yellow with […]

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Buckwheat (Eriogonum)Plant Profiles

Eriogonum is a versatile plant that works really well in drought tolerant gardens. It’s a California native plant with lots of personality. Eriogonums, also known as buckwheat* feature plants of various heights and spreads that work well in most landscapes. The flowers are splashy and prolific and last for a long time. Description of Plant […]

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Weed growing, Crabgrass Banner for Anne of Green Gardens

By definition, a weed is a plant in the wrong place. Weeds compete with garden plants for water, nutrients and even sunlight. Find out how to prevent and control weeds in your garden using organic or non-toxic methods. Weed Identification It’s important to know what kinds of weeds grow in your garden. Once you identify […]

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TerrariumsSmall worlds under glass


A terrarium is a world in or under glass. Did you know that humans can benefit from being near plants? According to Texas A&M University*, having plants indoors helps increase memory and task accuracy. They also found that plants provide a calming influence that reduces stress and tension levels. A terrarium is a nice way […]

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